Kamis, November 20, 2008
How do you start creating your vision? The guidelines for writing down your vision are the same as those for creating your new mindset:
Make your vision as real, concrete and comprehensive as possible. Create a picture that includes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Find your own individual harmony between personal and professional. Be honest about what harmony is good for you, and take into account all three levels of your vision: Be, Do and Have. Life is meant to be fulfilling and complete in all areas.
Think in an unlimited way. Let go of all limitations in your thinking and just allow yourself to dream. Approach your vision knowing that you can have anything and everything that you desire. All things are possible through the power of spirit and your magnificent mind.
Be sure to use the present tense. You must be able to see yourself already living the good that you desire. Say "I am a millionaire" rather than "I will be a millionaire." Your millions may not have come to you yet, but this is what you're programming into your unconscious mind. If you tell your unconscious mind, "I will be a millionaire," you are not being a millionaire.
Make your vision emotional. Let emotion fuel your vision. The unconscious cannot distinguish between something that actually happens and something that is vividly imagined, so use vivid, colorful, emotional words to give your vision power.
Be careful to state what you do want, not what you don't want. If I tell you, "Don't think about an ice cream cone," what do you have to think of? You have to think about what not to think about in order not to think about it. If one of your goals is "to have no sick days," you'll have to think about sick days. It's better to think about being "continuously healthy."
Be in the picture, not just an observer looking at it. As I've said, when I ask people to do this exercise, they almost always find that they are looking at themselves in the picture. This doesn't work. You must be in the picture of your new vision.
If you're looking at yourself in the picture, you're telling your unconscious that it's not really you, that you're not really in the picture yet. When you're actually in the picture, you already have your new life. You are telling your unconscious, "This is real!" Your unconscious immediately goes about creating that reality. See what you would see if you were in the picture, not looking at yourself in the picture.
To your continued Ikhlas and Happy (Article of Katahati Institute-USA)