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Selasa, November 11, 2008

Love is beautiful when you rise through it and love becomes dirty and ugly when you fall through it.
Falling in love you remain a child.. rising in love you mature.
And by and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being.
Whosoever comes near you, you share with them.
Whatsoever is happening, you give your love to it. Not that you are in love... now you are LOVE.
This is rising, this is not falling.

Falling in love you become a possession.. you possess and you allow somebody to possess you.
You become a thing and you try to convert the other person you have fallen in love with into a thing.

Possession ..... everybody goes on trying to possess the beloved, the lover.
This is no longer love. In fact, when you possess a person, you hate, you destroy, you kill, you are
murderer. Love should give freedom; love is freedom. Love will make the beloved more and more free, love wil give wings, and love will open the vast sky. It cannot become a prison, an enclosure. But that love you don't know, because that happens only when you are aware... that quality of love comes only when there is awareness... .

Love & Light


Lets take a look at what this whole ‘contemplation’ is all about. Ultimately the contemplation is about NOW. This moment in time. Right here and now. Unfortunately most of us do not live in NOW. We are lost in the vagaries of yester years or we swing forward to our vision or day dreams of years to come. Either way, they are totally illusionary. To be lost in the past or to be what might be the future is in essence, mental masturbation.

Hence, just like the act, it produces no productive result. Its only self satiating. Let’s take a look at yesterday, the past so to speak. The past does not exist. It is only there when you step into it. And u can only step into it from now. It’s only from this moment in time that it exists. There is no past. And your past can be dramatically different from someone else’s past. If u had an argument with someone yesterday, your version and his version will be dramatically different. So whose past is the past?

So what is past? The past is viewed from this present. It is our tint on it. Our lenses that define it. Again the past is ruled by the present. And what about the future? The future does not exist. It only exists in your mind at this moment. It only exists in the present. Your vision of the future can be dramatically different from the person sitting next to you. The past exists in the present and the future exists in the present. And therefore the point of contemplation as defined in the Sphere of Silence, is about controlling Now. Because when you control Now, you control all your past and you control all your future. Now is the only thing that exists.

Love & Light


Everything that we feel sense, taste, hear or see is processed by the mind. The world as we see it, only exists in our mind. And it is the same mind that can change the perception of how it is filtered. And how we choose to react. Its not about what happens to you in this life that counts. Because everyone goes through valleys and mountains in their lives and you are all going to go through that. To be lost in euphoria for any length of time just because you are successful is equally as redundant or as damaging as being depressed or despondent or even self destructive because you are going to be hitting on the valleys in your life. The trick is to recognize that it’s not about the incidents themselves or the environment that you live in but rather how you react to it.

Choosing how we react, being able to control, communicate and consolidate that reaction is the single most fundamental element of success in managing one’s life. Now how much can one do that? Its easy to talk about that but challenging to put into practice.

Love & Light

Pursuing Dreams

"When you have the looping, the Dreams end; there is no more greatness. - When the legend is dead, dream, dream of it also has ended; there would be no more success."
~ Tecumseh of the Shawnees

Everyone has a dream. Each person has a dream of course is different. There are dreams that have become miliarder top in the world, has a big business, have the social foundation of large and sophisticated, influential and popular in all Zagat, a distinguished professor, find a spectacular machine, a famous comedian in the world, get a life partner rich and famous and others.

Dreamland is a big thing that may be impossible if the views expressed in your current condition. But the actual dream is a step toward success is important. About whether the dream is realized or not they are in the hands of your own.

There are more quickly realize the dream, there is a slow, even some that are not successful because it does not do any steps to realize the dream. Like driving your car toward the goal namely a dream before, sometimes to more quickly or more slowly because of road conditions curvaceous, wavy or many stumbling block. Not infrequently among us never get to the destination because the only fume and condemn the condition of roads that difficult terrain or be too old to sleep on the roadside.

Generally, every last bit of the process is not so easy to follow. There are only challenges, although you have to do the best, so that the business requires repeated, and the struggle of the extra attention. The challenge is not just a failure. Even when the snow did we, the challenge is establish yourself better in a variety of things.

So do not despair easily and lose the courage to try again realize the dream. Increase your willpower. Then the door the opportunity to realize the dream will always be open.

Jonathan, my friends during high school so love the world of business and dream in life to subjugate the world. Several years later the business grew rapidly and menggurita. Wallow life success.

However, at the age of 40 he tersadar will serve in the dream world of education. So he decided to return through education. Then he successfully completed S2 and S3. Currently, he became a professor at a reputable university in Malaysia. "After seputaran girdle, and I met myself that actually. Now I start a new CIA," he said.

Actually there are many more examples of people who have achieved dreams. If they succeed, and why most of us not achieving? As I have already polecat was, the answer is because we have not implement measures to pick up the dream.

Actions that I mean to do something to build on the goal. If you can not take action more quickly, you can start slowly. But make sure you always do something to arrive at the dream.

Learning from one of my friends who saw her husband was males that success in career and love him wholeheartedly. Therefore, he is very careful propinquity select friends. Until the majority-up to friends and relatives pessimistic, because it is entering the age of 30 years, he has not found a companion.

However,'s so strong and never despair while waiting to find. In the age of 35 years after he successfully found a man who he impikan. Although a bit late, but he succeeded in getting what he really dambakan. Even now complete after the good have one son.

In addition to the action, for up to the dream also need a consistent attitude. This means you are ready to face challenges in the achievement of dreams, even if you must exit from the comfort zone. "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities. Responsibility starts from a dream," said Delmore Schwartz. Once you behave consistently, then you will always find the strength to continue the struggle to arrive at the destination.

As a friend I just decided the other, although the new age of 30 years, he has a very bright career and have a harmonious family. Successful and happy life. But he still has a dream to complete a degree in education since 7 years ago.

By pursuing the dream he does not shrink out of the comfort zone. As Jiminy Cricket said, "When your heart is your Dreams, no request is too Extreme. - When the dream is embedded in your heart, I do not feel that there is a weight to be done." Therefore, the election seemed to enjoy learning activities at a private university in Jakarta twice in one week. Arriving at the house he still menyempatkan themselves to learning. Motivasinya solely only want to pursue a dream delayed, not just looking for certification or tempted comprised more strategic position in the office after getting a degree later.

Dream may be only a mirage. But if the dream is accompanied by action, consistent attitude, and willingness to fight hard even though out of the zone must be comfortable with gratitude and prayer will make us more clever, creative and more effective life. If you want to improve productivity and quality of life, so make sure you have a dream and try to make up the maximum.

Andrew Ho

Love Doesn't Need the Same

mom, hungry!, Badger small children who are in pangkuannya. The woman stared with gentle children. Heart-felt chipped slices. Does guMomg ramshackle place to live, no food at all remaining. Only there is water remaining in the vessel above the table land. Jar of diraihnya slowly and stretch out the land to the mouth of children kucunya merely wayangnya. The children try to gulp three times eliminate hunger by drinking water.

Children stared at the small face with a full sense of his mother, I feel as if you want to say thank you very deep. Small hands reach above the water limpid eyes the exit from the lid of his mother.

"Why mothers crying," ask the child gently.

Women in the long haul breath, thinking he may not explain what is deems this to small children. This is about the Momrden that life is very heavy, even he always tried hard against all the limitations that he owned.

"I do nothing, my dear, sleep alone anymore!", Said the seemingly gentle women want to create peace in the hearts of children.

The children stared in the direction of his mother's eyes, as if trying to find out the reason why his mother weeping.
"I know the mother very heavy Momrden," celetuk plain that the children's mother is in a bit.

"I know with all the limitations of the mother, mother always tried to meeting all keMomtuhanku. Mother workers wash, sometimes mothers gathered the remnants waste to be sold again. I know that all mothers do so I can eat, "the child is berceloteh continue to make her mother proud.

"Momt the mother can not menyekolahkanmu son!", Replied the mother with full repentance.

"Mom!", Said the rise while the old one. Placed both hands on his mother's lap as if you want to give strength to those who most dicintainya.

"Mother menyekolahkanku not, Momt every night the mother mengajariku read, count, about, or knowledge-knowledge of the new paper from recycled newspaper that we collect. The day I understand more about the new sciences, may be even more distant from friends sebayaku, "answered the child honorable and proud.

"Yes, Momt I'm not able to menyekolahkanmu in elementary school in our village. Try if the mother is able to then later you can have a certification to continue to higher schools and the'll better, "the mother said as a whole feel has complained to her son in too.

The small children to shift duduknya right before the mother. He is very sweet smile, dipijatnya feet didepannya women. A woman was beautiful, Momt visibly older than the actual age, let alone his own life must sepeninggal her husband.

"I IMomku, with all the mothers be mothers have to provide the best for the CIA. I am grateful because I get limpahan that no counterpart. Mother always mengajariku all that I should know. Mother is always there when I need it. I really want at the elementary school in our village, Momt I would love to get it for this. I want to live been aMomndant, such as children sebayaku small, Momt the more I want to live disampingmu because I always get the affluent ruah affection for that I need.. "

While each face, that small children continue accelerate, "Mom, I love to be the same, the sincerity to realize love is far more important than a menyamakannya life with other people."

hug that woman with a loving, "sleep ahead again, the mother must rest, tomorrow we promise six half-hour at home I have to wash clothes Hadi"

A small child that the blanket kumalnya to the chest. Leaving the woman berurai tears. Momt this time not because of sadness society, precisely because that is in gratitude because God sends angels to assist small and strengthen his life.

Welcome to undergo a full day with mercy.
Greet Ikhlas

(Cahyana Puthut W.)