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Chicken into Eagle

Selasa, Desember 23, 2008

source:Adi W. Gunawan (

"The Empires of the future are the Empires of the mind"
~ Sir Winston Churchill

Nearly all of my books, especially when I covered the key success, I always discuss about the concept of self. Why do I emphasize the importance of the concept is very self? The concept itself is a computer operating system's mental. The concept of self-determine our performance. Determine the level of self-concept level of achievement of life.

Self-concept consists of three components, namely the ideal self (ideal self), self image (self image), and the price of self (self esteem). Who is the ideal self ourselves in the future. Ideal self is our personal success. People we want to be. Self image is how we see ourselves at this time. This is about the mental picture of ourselves in today. Meanwhile, the price comparison is between self-image and self-ideal. If we lower the price themselves, the achievement of our lives, certainly low. Similarly vice versa.

Why do I write again about this topic? There is one interesting story that we can make it as a learning material. Story like this. Beginning January 2007 and we, I and my close friend Ariesandi, holding Supercamp Becoming a Money magnets. Supercamp this time attended by 31 participants from various cities. There came from Jakarta, Balikpapan, Menado, Surabaya, Samarinda, and other cities. We hold the SC with the number of participants that we are not the only limit to maintain exclusivity SC but also to be able to give the best results for the participants.

SC laden with practice and guidance to be conscious into the subconscious mind and find a mental block that hindered success. This process, into the subconscious mind, identify and destroy mental block, something that is not easy. This process is very difficult to run well if too many participants, say up to 50 people at the top. Moreover, if up to hundreds of people. Clearly it is not possible. Although there is a request that we hold the SC Akbar with the number of participants to hundreds, we remain on our principles.

There are many techniques that we use to help participants make reprogramming the conscious mind. In one session to identify mental block there are three participants who experienced the inner Conflict serious enough that it appears from their physical reactions.

One participant felt dizzy because they are blocking the energy in the region Indonesian and Chinese culture, and one female participants experienced vomiting, and the most serious is that the strain on the entire body. Special to the strain, A Bram, we give special handling, and soon.

I am sure you would feel "horror" when I read the description. However, this is actually very normal. Handling is also very easy. Of course it easy for us because we are used to therapy. Then, what happens is that the subconscious mind Bram?

Bram could see himself in the future with very clear. How appearance, apparently, tingkahnya, attitudes, how to walk, lifestyle, home, car, and what he idamkan, he can see clearly once. For some time Bram "live" in the future that is very beautiful. Future he impikan.

However, there is one part of the self Bram reject this. Bram feel part of this is not feasible or may not achieve the dream. However, on the one hand, there is one other part, from the self Bram, who really want and believe that Bram has the right and feasible to achieve any dream.

In the subconscious mind Bram contravention occurred, fierce battle, pull overextend, mutual influence between the two parts that ultimately affect physical condition. Bram experiencing convulsions. Easy handling. Only in a few minutes we successfully integrate the two parts of this conflict.

Young women who experienced vomiting another case. He knows that the conflict there. However, he tried hard to deny and convince himself that everything is ok. After vomiting and pale face the cold hands. Her husband, the SC also slightly worried. After dialiri had energy and made pemijatan dots on a certain energy in the body quickly recovered its return as usual.

Readers, I describe cases in which the case is normal that often occur in the space therapeutist practices. Are even more serious again. Conditions of this emotional paroxysm term technical abreaction. Explained to you can read my books Hypnotherapy: The Art of Subconscious Restructuring. I think a campaign to explain my new book.

Why can happen like that? In normal conditions the internal conflict is not too visible. That is visible on the effects of conflict in this particular form of behavior. For example, delaying work habits, feeling uncomfortable when a target is set to be achieved, the desire to achieve a dream, but there is a feeling themselves less valuable or less feasible to achieve that dream, or any perceived in someone who is "never good."

One of the most easy way to check whether we are in conflict or not is to check with our feelings. For example? For example, your income is Rp. 5 million. You want to reach the income of Rp. 20 million. You can visualize the achievement of very clear. However, there is a feeling uncomfortable in your heart. It feels thin difficult. Well, this is the signature of conflict. I NLP terms of people with this condition is called "not congruent."

Another example is when we give the target of learning for children. For example, the value of our children in English, only 60. We help children set a goal of, say, the value reached 90. Although children would achieve this target, you should ask the feelings of children. Is there a wedge in his heart? Is there any sense "for his good"? If so, then this means there is resistance in mind sadarnya down.

What actually happens is the child (self image) can not see himself reaching values 90 (ideal self). Because children "sure" it difficult or impossible to achieve the result, the price of the 90 children themselves will have shaking.

If you work hard to understand how self-esteem or self-concept, I will use the analogy of money. Assuming the price ourselves with the same amount of money we have. If the money we only Rp. 100000 and we want to buy goods with the price of Rp. 1,000,000 then no matter what we do, want to beg, threaten, cry, pray, kneel apply leniency seller, or any, in normal condition, we may not be able to get the goods. Experience, who want to recoup by selling goods worth Rp. 1 million in the price of Rp. 100,000?

Whatever the condition occurs when the conflict between the conscious mind (the will reach a value of Rp 90/income. 20 million) and the subconscious mind (self image; value of Rp 60/income now. 5 million), so that always win the mind is unconscious. Theory of mind that the comparative strength of mind and the unconscious conscious is 1:9.

How do I make the set target can be achieved easily? How simple, albeit not easy to do so. We must, with certain therapeutic intervention, improve self image or, if that approach can be the same with our ideal self.

One of the things that we are truly delightful Bram said that he has been experiencing increased self exceptional integration process after he experienced. What is the effect on Bram?

I very much. Friend-i said that since that time Bram become much more confident, more friendly, more active in communications, happier and more peaceful, more brave, and many other positive things. They have to know about Bram year mark can only see the changes that occurred in Bram.

Honestly, our own shocked and stunned by the changes in the self Bram. We know that this positive change happen. However, we again stunned by the strength of mind and their influence on human life.

The mind is the key to change. The mind is the key to change the children prefer chicken to be a mighty eagles flying high, which is able to explore space highway.

I remember the wise words of spiritual teacher that "the mind is the forerunner of all things, the mind is the leader, is forming the mind" and "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."

God is Good

Kamis, Desember 18, 2008

There is a theory that we so love the Lord
throughout his life. Toshinobu person is named, each time meeting
he will always say "God is good."
Each time he said, "God is Good."

At the time he married Toshi said, "God is good."
Toshi lose their jobs when he said, "God is good."
When his father died he said, "God is good."
When dompetnya kecopetan he said, "God is good"

So, basically what I do Toshi or what happens
on it, we certainly hear him say, "God is good"

A month ago, Toshi examined by doctors and stated that
he has cancer. Cancer that has grown very fast and
the doctor he could only live a few weeks longer. Though
he was there waiting diranjangnya death, we can only remain
hear Toshi said that "God is good."

Ohashi Yuki is a good friend toshi. And every day he always
drop in to see the situation Toshi. And every night before ohashi
home, Toshi always said to him, "God is good." Finally
after a few weeks to see friends that the condition
deteriorate, ohashi no longer see the situation and he
Toshi asked, "You are my best friend & I
love you. I also love God like you, I have
hear you say that God is good throughout life. "In the
time fun, I might still understand the
when you say "God is good." Or at you hard
said that, I still can understand.
But now, in the condition you are dying like this, where
you can be optimistic as this? How can you still say
that "God is good" every day, even though you know that the Lord
let you die? "Toshi only to see ohashi and smiled.

"House, have not you see that during the time that I
said that the Good Lord, is one of gratitude katya
Him with my simple way I can see my lakukan.Dan
the prize for my krn keyakinanku it, I'm dying now.
You said that God let me die as if it's things
very evil.
Ohashi, lupakah you that it is our goal. That we live for
He and return kehadiratNya. Lihatkan, LORD IS GOOD. Finally, he
I call home, and in a few hours more, I will come
. Spent I can not imagine other things more powerful
from this. "

Toshi died that night in one. Ohashi present time
pemakamannya and said two things,
"I will miss you people, but I know I will
and meet you later ...... LORD IS GOOD. "
-- source:I Nyoman Nuka

Perfect days for perfect Ibaadah

By Asma bint Shameem

Alhamdulillaah. .....the blessed days are here one more time!

The glorious days when rewards are multiplied many times, and sins are forgiven much more... the days in which Allaah gives us yet another chance to worship Him, to ask for forgiveness and correct our faults and make up for our shortcomings. ...
the blessed days that the Sahabah waited for and prayed for....
the beautiful days in which they strived long and hard in worship, until they could do no more....

What are these magnificent days?

These blessed days are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah (Nov 29-Dec 8, 2008)
Just like the last ten nights of Ramadaan are the best ten nights out of the whole year, the Ulama tell us that out of the 365 days of the year, these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the best days of the year and the most beloved to Allaah as they combine acts of worship in a way unlike any other times.
The Prophet testified to that. He said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days......." (Bukhaari)

Subhaan Allaah wal-Hamdulillaah!

What a blessing!

The question is.....what do I do on these magnificent days and how can I make the most of this perfect, golden, golden opportunity to earn rewards and Jannah?

Obviously, Hajj is one of the best deeds that one can do during these ten days. However for those of us who were not invited to His House this year, there are still many, many good deeds that one can do and earn the Pleasure of Allaah.

Some of these are:

1) Fast all nine days and especially fast the Day of 'Arafah

The Prophet said: "Anyone who fasts for one day for Allah's pleasure, Allah will keep his face away from the (Hell) fire for (a distance covered by a journey of) seventy years." (Bukhari, Muslim)
Just imagine..... if you fast these nine days (fasting on Eid is haraam), how far your distance will be from hell!
The Prophet used to fast on the ninth day of Dhu'l-Hijjah and he said: "Fasting the Day of 'Arafah (ninth Dhul-hijjah) (Dec 7, 2008) is an expiation for (all the sins of) the previous year and an expiation for (all the sins of) the coming year." (Muslim)

2) Do a LOT of Dhikr and Takbeer

The Prophet said: "There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allaah than on these ten days, so recite much Tahleel (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah), Takbeer (saying Allaahu akbar) and Tahmeed (saying al-hamdu Lillaah)." (Ahmad -Saheeh)

Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayrah used to go out in the marketplace during the first ten days of Dhu'l-Hijjah, reciting Takbeer, and the people would recite Takbeer when they heard them. (Bukhaari)

Takbeer at this time is a Sunnah that has mostly been forgotten, especially during the first few days. So say it in the masjid, in your home, on the street and every place where it is permitted to remember Allaah. Revive the Sunnah that have been virtually forgotten and earn great rewards for doing so.
The Prophet said: "Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death, he will have a reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward." (Tirmidhi- a hasan hadeeth)
Obviously, men should recite these phrases out loud, and women should recite them quietly.

3)Stand in Night Prayers:

Remember the virtues of spending the night in prayer, and its sweetness in Ramadan?! Why not revive this beautiful act of worship during these nights as well?!

Remember, how in the last third of every night, Allah Almighty calls out to us, His servants:

"Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to his invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Bukhaari, Muslim)

Why do we miss this golden opportunity? So, seize the chance NOW and expose yourself to His Divine Generosity and Mercy, ask Him to forgive you and guide you and set things aright. He will surely listen.

4)Make Sincere Repentance.

One of the best and most important things to do during these ten days is to repent sincerely to Allaah and to give up all kinds of disobedience and sin right away because we do not know when we will die, and also because one evil deed leads to another.

But what does 'repentance' exactly mean?

It means that you come back to Allaah and give up all the deeds, open and secret, that He dislikes.... that you regret whatever you did in the past, giving it up immediately and be determined never ever, to return to it, and resolve to adhere firmly to the Truth by doing whatever Allaah loves.

"But as for him who repented, believed and did righteous deeds, then he will be among those who are successful." [al-Qasas 28:67]

5) Come back to the Qur'aan

It is time now to dust off your copy of the Qur'aan and return to its
refuge. Make it a daily habit, using these 10 days the beginning of a strong and beautiful relationship with it. Read it with meaning, understand it, and then implement it and change your lives for the better, as much as you can. Remember that reading one letter of the Qur'aan earns you 10 rewards. In this way, reading Surat Al-Fatihah,which doesn't take more than two minutes will give you more than one thousand rewards! This is on ordinary days, so what about these magnificent days! Certainly the reward will be far greater, Insha Allaah.

6) Generally increase in doing ALL good deeds

We should strive in doing more good deeds in general, because good deeds are beloved by Allaah and will bring us closer to Him.

So if we are not able to go to Hajj this year, we should occupy ourselves during these blessed days by worshipping Allaah, praying extra prayers, reading Qur'aan, remembering Allaah, sending Salaams on the Prophet , making dua, giving charity, honoring our parents, upholding ties of kinship, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and other good deeds and acts of worship.

"So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom, shall see it; And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom, shall see it."[al-Zalzalah 99:7-8]

7) Get the reward of Hajj wherever you are:

You may be unable to do Hajj this year, and you may feel sad because you are deprived of the great reward of Hajj. But you can achieve a similar reward in whatever place you may be.

The Prophet said: "Whoever prays Fajr Prayer in congregation, and then sits and remembers Allah until the sun rises, then (after a while) prays two rak'as, he will gain a reward equal to that of making perfect Hajj and Umrah." [He repeated the word "perfect" thrice.] (At-Tirmidhi)
Isn't that easy ? Alhamdulillah

8) Slaughter an animal and distribute the meat

Ibn Umar said: The Prophet lived in Madeenah for 10 years and every year he slaughtered an animal." (Ahmad-Saheeh by al-Albaani)

9) Attend Eid prayers

But remember that Eid prayer is a form of worship and we shouldn't be doing things that are unIslaamic (especially) during these times, such as listening to music, women going out for prayer without proper Hijaab, mixing of men and women, etc.

10) Thank Allaah

One of the biggest forms of worshipping Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala is to thank Him, deeply, sincerely and continuously.

After all, it is He who gave you every single thing that is in you, on you or around you. In fact, you wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the Mercy of your Creator.

So thank Him for ALL that He gave you, the Islaam that He gave you, the very life He gave you. And thank Him for the chance that He gives you in these ten days, to ask for forgiveness and guidance.

Alhamdulillah, there is much to be gained in these coming days. So make the most of this perfect opportunity offered by these invaluable and irreplaceable ten days. Hasten to do good deeds and appreciate this blessing and make the most of it, striving hard in worship .

"And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (death)." [al-Hijr 15:99]


Stop To Be A Glass

Kamis, Desember 04, 2008

A visit to a Sufi teacher when the students face this always looked glum. "Why do you always glum, I? Is not it beautiful in this world? Where retinue bersyukurmu face?" The teacher asked.

"Teachers, recently my life full of problems. It is difficult for me to smile. The problem comes as no timeless," replied the young students.

The Teachers terkekeh. "BUT, take a glass of water and two to hold the salt. Bring aboard. Let kuperbaiki atmosphere heart is." The students moved slowly, without any spirit. He conducted the teachers request it, and then back again to bring cups and salt as required.

"Try to take handful of salt, and insert it into a glass of water," said the teacher. "After that you try a little drink the water." The students also do so. Women now drink grimace as the salty water.
"How does it taste?" The question Teachers.

"Salt, nausea and Subscribe so," replied the student with a face that still grimace.

The teachers giggle see the faces of the students keasinan grimace.

"Now you take it." The teachers take the students to the lake near their place. "Take the remaining salt, and tebarkan to the lake." The students spread the remaining handful of salt to the lake, without talking. Salty taste in the mouth, not lost. He wants to spit the salty taste of his mouth, but I do. It seems polite mursyid spit in the face, so it.

"Now, you try to drink the lake water," said the teacher while searching for a fairly flat stone for didudukinya, right on the lake.

The students cover both hands, take the lake water, and bring them to his mouth and meneguknya. When the lake water is cold and fresh flows in tenggorokannya, the teacher asked him, "How does it taste?"

"Fresh, fresh, once," said the student while dust lips with the back of your hand. Of course, the lake is derived from the flow of water resources in there. And the water flows into a small river below. And certainly, the lake water is also remove the remaining salty taste in his mouth.

"Terasakah taste of salt that it was tebarkan?"

"Not at all," said the student while taking water and drinks again. The teachers have only a smile, let the students drink the lake water until satisfied.

"BUT," said the teacher after students finished drinking. "Any problems in life, such as the handful of salt. Not less, not more. Only a handful of salt. Too many problems and suffering that you should naturally throughout life is dikadar by God, according to yourselves. Fixed amount, of the just-might need, not reduced and do not increase. Every human being is born into this world so. No one man, although he was a prophet, which is free from suffering and problems. "

The students silent, listening.

"But Goodman,` salty taste 'of the suffering that is experienced depends on the size of the' Qalbu '(heart) the intermediate. So Goodman, so do not feel suffering, so stop glass. Qalbu in dadamu Make it so the lake. "

- Firdaus Tugu

Healthy Heart Is The Secret of Healthy Body

"..........Truly, in the body, there is a lump of flesh,
if it be good, then the whole body is good,
and if it be corrupted, then the whole body is corrupted.
Truly, it is the heart."

Muhammad (peace be upon him)
- reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari

How TO Complete Our Lack By Alloh

Never heard such a dialogue at the bottom of this?

A: "Ah, I still have ell, it's Roadhouse ... From the cave, woulda Roadhouse ..."

B: "But also, Coy I may be facing more caves I have the house ell, at least, I ell Roadhouse ... But the cave is now clear
Roadhouse can ... "

Such dialogue is not rare among men, at least people of Indonesia. A little more, this can describe what we actually mentality. Figures A and B have the same problems, but both equally claim that the problem is that it is facing more serious. In other words, they are "hardly the showroom."

Indeed, many people are eager to dissolve in the hip; they like the situation with concern that `mendayu-dayu '. Rather, and most of the songs can provide a clear picture of how many Indonesians are fond of heavy-sedihan. Even if they seem proud to be able to get a degree most people are concerned `global '.

It is a phenomenon that exciting here. In fact, we often tested by Allah SWT with the trial-trial, that we are not experts. The plea is not a member of many people, but precisely diserahi task to speak on the dais. I do not fear Tarjo see blood, but her son had experienced a landslide that would not be overcome want Tarjo sense takutnya and provide help as quickly as lightning. The fear Wati with rats, it must be shut in the kitchen all night with a mouse animal fat and healthy.

In the above dialogue, not a figure to win the problems faced by the B, as well as vice versa. They actually intended do not underestimate the problems of others. They only complained about the situation because it is given a trial that is very difficult for them. A difficult not necessarily make it difficult for the B, `huh?

Ironically, that occurred in the trial of a trial that had relatively difficult for himself, and the B test also experienced a relatively difficult for himself. If I have a trial that is being experienced by the B, so it can not be felt too dizzy. Similarly vice versa. What is difficult by a person can be easily seen by other people. This is only a problem character.

In situations of extreme, so people can think God has been applied unfairly. Even some of the jeniusnya make a conclusion that God did not exist. Conclusion sehebat is made only with the view that it always be caught in the rain with a heavy trial (for himself).

So why God test us with the various trial that never easy? Is God's wrath on us? Is not God have pity on His slaves? Whoa!

There are two things that we must remember: (1) Allah knows our situation, even more than we know yourself, and (2) Allah is our Rabb. Rabb comes from the word "tarbiyah" which means that around education, development, maintenance and improvement. Because God is the Rabb, then He who had been to educate and protect us. Without education from Him, we will never develop further.

Educators who do not consider either of the children students as a condition of robots that uniform. Each person and the circumstances are different. If we treat all people with a uniform way, so there may be a feel dizalimi. The problem is, each person can give a different response to a given action on it.

Because the Almighty Tahu God, the God who knows our weaknesses. Allah is the most know that Ahmad's like a fever stage, the Tarjo afraid of blood, and the Wati fobia in rats. Terpikirkah by the fact that because you know our weaknesses so that God gave the trial related?

He menakdirkan Ahmad to speak on the dais, seemed to cover the weakness. This means, Ahmad must find ways to overcome the drawbacks of this one. God does not test for it to lead a team work, for example, as he already has the ability to do so. The same logic could be applied in the Tarjo, Wati, Budi, Maman, Rizal, Yati, Eka, and so on.

So, complained of the trial, the weight is not reasonable. If we have to take from the perspective of both (with the kind suspected to Allah SWT), precisely the things that is the kind that can spur us to complete all the shortcomings in ourselves. Complaining is not only resolve the problem. If we dare them, so there are only two options: success or failure. If successful Alhamdulillaah, if it fails means we have successfully identified the weaknesses of our privacy was not found.

- Nadia Ferra

Northern Lights over Yellow Knife Canada

Creating Your Vision

Kamis, November 20, 2008

How do you start creating your vision? The guidelines for writing down your vision are the same as those for creating your new mindset:

Make your vision as real, concrete and comprehensive as possible. Create a picture that includes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Find your own individual harmony between personal and professional. Be honest about what harmony is good for you, and take into account all three levels of your vision: Be, Do and Have. Life is meant to be fulfilling and complete in all areas.
Think in an unlimited way. Let go of all limitations in your thinking and just allow yourself to dream. Approach your vision knowing that you can have anything and everything that you desire. All things are possible through the power of spirit and your magnificent mind.
Be sure to use the present tense. You must be able to see yourself already living the good that you desire. Say "I am a millionaire" rather than "I will be a millionaire." Your millions may not have come to you yet, but this is what you're programming into your unconscious mind. If you tell your unconscious mind, "I will be a millionaire," you are not being a millionaire.
Make your vision emotional. Let emotion fuel your vision. The unconscious cannot distinguish between something that actually happens and something that is vividly imagined, so use vivid, colorful, emotional words to give your vision power.
Be careful to state what you do want, not what you don't want. If I tell you, "Don't think about an ice cream cone," what do you have to think of? You have to think about what not to think about in order not to think about it. If one of your goals is "to have no sick days," you'll have to think about sick days. It's better to think about being "continuously healthy."
Be in the picture, not just an observer looking at it. As I've said, when I ask people to do this exercise, they almost always find that they are looking at themselves in the picture. This doesn't work. You must be in the picture of your new vision.
If you're looking at yourself in the picture, you're telling your unconscious that it's not really you, that you're not really in the picture yet. When you're actually in the picture, you already have your new life. You are telling your unconscious, "This is real!" Your unconscious immediately goes about creating that reality. See what you would see if you were in the picture, not looking at yourself in the picture.

To your continued Ikhlas and Happy (Article of Katahati Institute-USA)

Daily Body, Mind, & Soul Cleansing

Selasa, November 18, 2008

-The Benefit of 5 Daily Prayers

Abu Hurayrah (May God be pleased with him) narrated: I heard The Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) says,

“What would you think if there were a river running by the door of the house of anyone of you, and he bathed in it 5 times daily, would any trace of dirt be left on him?”

The people said: “No, there would be no trace of dirt on him.”

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “This is like the 5 daily prayers (Shalat), with which God cleanses your faults/sins”

[Hadith-reported by Bukhari and Muslim]

Feeling Grateful

I feel very GRATEFUL for what I have today...
We are so lucky! contemplate on this...
He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.

"I felt very fortunate to live in this part of the world. I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I promise not to waste water. I pray that this little boy be alleviated from his suffering.

I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the suffering in the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests. I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us about how fortunate we are and that we must never ever take things for granted.

Think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily..." MAY ALL BEINGS BE FREE FROM SUFFERING!!! !

Please don't break this and keep on forwarding it to all our friends. On this good day, let's make a prayer for the suffering in any place around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others.

People have said time and again that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. But what they will probably never understand is how I'll always be a winner for having loved you.


Selasa, November 11, 2008

Love is beautiful when you rise through it and love becomes dirty and ugly when you fall through it.
Falling in love you remain a child.. rising in love you mature.
And by and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being.
Whosoever comes near you, you share with them.
Whatsoever is happening, you give your love to it. Not that you are in love... now you are LOVE.
This is rising, this is not falling.

Falling in love you become a possession.. you possess and you allow somebody to possess you.
You become a thing and you try to convert the other person you have fallen in love with into a thing.

Possession ..... everybody goes on trying to possess the beloved, the lover.
This is no longer love. In fact, when you possess a person, you hate, you destroy, you kill, you are
murderer. Love should give freedom; love is freedom. Love will make the beloved more and more free, love wil give wings, and love will open the vast sky. It cannot become a prison, an enclosure. But that love you don't know, because that happens only when you are aware... that quality of love comes only when there is awareness... .

Love & Light


Lets take a look at what this whole ‘contemplation’ is all about. Ultimately the contemplation is about NOW. This moment in time. Right here and now. Unfortunately most of us do not live in NOW. We are lost in the vagaries of yester years or we swing forward to our vision or day dreams of years to come. Either way, they are totally illusionary. To be lost in the past or to be what might be the future is in essence, mental masturbation.

Hence, just like the act, it produces no productive result. Its only self satiating. Let’s take a look at yesterday, the past so to speak. The past does not exist. It is only there when you step into it. And u can only step into it from now. It’s only from this moment in time that it exists. There is no past. And your past can be dramatically different from someone else’s past. If u had an argument with someone yesterday, your version and his version will be dramatically different. So whose past is the past?

So what is past? The past is viewed from this present. It is our tint on it. Our lenses that define it. Again the past is ruled by the present. And what about the future? The future does not exist. It only exists in your mind at this moment. It only exists in the present. Your vision of the future can be dramatically different from the person sitting next to you. The past exists in the present and the future exists in the present. And therefore the point of contemplation as defined in the Sphere of Silence, is about controlling Now. Because when you control Now, you control all your past and you control all your future. Now is the only thing that exists.

Love & Light


Everything that we feel sense, taste, hear or see is processed by the mind. The world as we see it, only exists in our mind. And it is the same mind that can change the perception of how it is filtered. And how we choose to react. Its not about what happens to you in this life that counts. Because everyone goes through valleys and mountains in their lives and you are all going to go through that. To be lost in euphoria for any length of time just because you are successful is equally as redundant or as damaging as being depressed or despondent or even self destructive because you are going to be hitting on the valleys in your life. The trick is to recognize that it’s not about the incidents themselves or the environment that you live in but rather how you react to it.

Choosing how we react, being able to control, communicate and consolidate that reaction is the single most fundamental element of success in managing one’s life. Now how much can one do that? Its easy to talk about that but challenging to put into practice.

Love & Light

Pursuing Dreams

"When you have the looping, the Dreams end; there is no more greatness. - When the legend is dead, dream, dream of it also has ended; there would be no more success."
~ Tecumseh of the Shawnees

Everyone has a dream. Each person has a dream of course is different. There are dreams that have become miliarder top in the world, has a big business, have the social foundation of large and sophisticated, influential and popular in all Zagat, a distinguished professor, find a spectacular machine, a famous comedian in the world, get a life partner rich and famous and others.

Dreamland is a big thing that may be impossible if the views expressed in your current condition. But the actual dream is a step toward success is important. About whether the dream is realized or not they are in the hands of your own.

There are more quickly realize the dream, there is a slow, even some that are not successful because it does not do any steps to realize the dream. Like driving your car toward the goal namely a dream before, sometimes to more quickly or more slowly because of road conditions curvaceous, wavy or many stumbling block. Not infrequently among us never get to the destination because the only fume and condemn the condition of roads that difficult terrain or be too old to sleep on the roadside.

Generally, every last bit of the process is not so easy to follow. There are only challenges, although you have to do the best, so that the business requires repeated, and the struggle of the extra attention. The challenge is not just a failure. Even when the snow did we, the challenge is establish yourself better in a variety of things.

So do not despair easily and lose the courage to try again realize the dream. Increase your willpower. Then the door the opportunity to realize the dream will always be open.

Jonathan, my friends during high school so love the world of business and dream in life to subjugate the world. Several years later the business grew rapidly and menggurita. Wallow life success.

However, at the age of 40 he tersadar will serve in the dream world of education. So he decided to return through education. Then he successfully completed S2 and S3. Currently, he became a professor at a reputable university in Malaysia. "After seputaran girdle, and I met myself that actually. Now I start a new CIA," he said.

Actually there are many more examples of people who have achieved dreams. If they succeed, and why most of us not achieving? As I have already polecat was, the answer is because we have not implement measures to pick up the dream.

Actions that I mean to do something to build on the goal. If you can not take action more quickly, you can start slowly. But make sure you always do something to arrive at the dream.

Learning from one of my friends who saw her husband was males that success in career and love him wholeheartedly. Therefore, he is very careful propinquity select friends. Until the majority-up to friends and relatives pessimistic, because it is entering the age of 30 years, he has not found a companion.

However,'s so strong and never despair while waiting to find. In the age of 35 years after he successfully found a man who he impikan. Although a bit late, but he succeeded in getting what he really dambakan. Even now complete after the good have one son.

In addition to the action, for up to the dream also need a consistent attitude. This means you are ready to face challenges in the achievement of dreams, even if you must exit from the comfort zone. "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities. Responsibility starts from a dream," said Delmore Schwartz. Once you behave consistently, then you will always find the strength to continue the struggle to arrive at the destination.

As a friend I just decided the other, although the new age of 30 years, he has a very bright career and have a harmonious family. Successful and happy life. But he still has a dream to complete a degree in education since 7 years ago.

By pursuing the dream he does not shrink out of the comfort zone. As Jiminy Cricket said, "When your heart is your Dreams, no request is too Extreme. - When the dream is embedded in your heart, I do not feel that there is a weight to be done." Therefore, the election seemed to enjoy learning activities at a private university in Jakarta twice in one week. Arriving at the house he still menyempatkan themselves to learning. Motivasinya solely only want to pursue a dream delayed, not just looking for certification or tempted comprised more strategic position in the office after getting a degree later.

Dream may be only a mirage. But if the dream is accompanied by action, consistent attitude, and willingness to fight hard even though out of the zone must be comfortable with gratitude and prayer will make us more clever, creative and more effective life. If you want to improve productivity and quality of life, so make sure you have a dream and try to make up the maximum.

Andrew Ho

Love Doesn't Need the Same

mom, hungry!, Badger small children who are in pangkuannya. The woman stared with gentle children. Heart-felt chipped slices. Does guMomg ramshackle place to live, no food at all remaining. Only there is water remaining in the vessel above the table land. Jar of diraihnya slowly and stretch out the land to the mouth of children kucunya merely wayangnya. The children try to gulp three times eliminate hunger by drinking water.

Children stared at the small face with a full sense of his mother, I feel as if you want to say thank you very deep. Small hands reach above the water limpid eyes the exit from the lid of his mother.

"Why mothers crying," ask the child gently.

Women in the long haul breath, thinking he may not explain what is deems this to small children. This is about the Momrden that life is very heavy, even he always tried hard against all the limitations that he owned.

"I do nothing, my dear, sleep alone anymore!", Said the seemingly gentle women want to create peace in the hearts of children.

The children stared in the direction of his mother's eyes, as if trying to find out the reason why his mother weeping.
"I know the mother very heavy Momrden," celetuk plain that the children's mother is in a bit.

"I know with all the limitations of the mother, mother always tried to meeting all keMomtuhanku. Mother workers wash, sometimes mothers gathered the remnants waste to be sold again. I know that all mothers do so I can eat, "the child is berceloteh continue to make her mother proud.

"Momt the mother can not menyekolahkanmu son!", Replied the mother with full repentance.

"Mom!", Said the rise while the old one. Placed both hands on his mother's lap as if you want to give strength to those who most dicintainya.

"Mother menyekolahkanku not, Momt every night the mother mengajariku read, count, about, or knowledge-knowledge of the new paper from recycled newspaper that we collect. The day I understand more about the new sciences, may be even more distant from friends sebayaku, "answered the child honorable and proud.

"Yes, Momt I'm not able to menyekolahkanmu in elementary school in our village. Try if the mother is able to then later you can have a certification to continue to higher schools and the'll better, "the mother said as a whole feel has complained to her son in too.

The small children to shift duduknya right before the mother. He is very sweet smile, dipijatnya feet didepannya women. A woman was beautiful, Momt visibly older than the actual age, let alone his own life must sepeninggal her husband.

"I IMomku, with all the mothers be mothers have to provide the best for the CIA. I am grateful because I get limpahan that no counterpart. Mother always mengajariku all that I should know. Mother is always there when I need it. I really want at the elementary school in our village, Momt I would love to get it for this. I want to live been aMomndant, such as children sebayaku small, Momt the more I want to live disampingmu because I always get the affluent ruah affection for that I need.. "

While each face, that small children continue accelerate, "Mom, I love to be the same, the sincerity to realize love is far more important than a menyamakannya life with other people."

hug that woman with a loving, "sleep ahead again, the mother must rest, tomorrow we promise six half-hour at home I have to wash clothes Hadi"

A small child that the blanket kumalnya to the chest. Leaving the woman berurai tears. Momt this time not because of sadness society, precisely because that is in gratitude because God sends angels to assist small and strengthen his life.

Welcome to undergo a full day with mercy.
Greet Ikhlas

(Cahyana Puthut W.)


Senin, Oktober 20, 2008

Story below is a story that I can mailinglists alumni from Germany,
or U.S. citizens living or I never lived there.
It is feasible to read a few minutes, and direnungkan lifetime.

I am a mother of three children and recently completed a course
I. The last class I should take a sociology.
The Lecturers are very inspiring, with quality that I expect every
people have them.

The last task was given to the students were given the name "Smiling."
All the students are asked to go out and give senyumnya
to the three foreigners discovering and documenting the reaction
them. After that each student is asked to present
in front of the class. I was a jovial, friendly and easy
always smiling at everyone. So, I think, this task is

After receiving the assignment page, rushing to meet my husband and my children
My youngest is waiting in the garden in the campus page, go to
to McDonald's restaurants around the campus. Morning air
very cold and dry. When my husband will go in the queue,
I interrupt and ask him to accompany that while the Bungsu
find a place to sit is still empty.

When I'm in the queue, waiting to be serviced, sudden
everyone around us move away, and even the people
that all the queuing at the back exit, I take away from the queue.

A self-control feelings of panic I, when the turn and see
why all of them on breaking? When it's my turn
track a "body odor of dirty" significant relationship, it right
I stood in the back of two homeless men who are filthy!
I'm confused, and can not move at all.

When I resign, accidentally my eyes stare male
shorter, standing closer to me, and he is
"smile" to my direction. This blue-eyed men, highlight eyes
sharp, but also radiate love. He stared into my direction,
he seems to ask that I can receive a 'presence' in the place.

He greet "Good day!" while still smiling while calculating and
some coin prepared to pay for food that will
ordered. In my reply senyumnya spontaneous, and occur immediately
by my 'work' given by my lecturers. Both men are
play with the hand movements strange standing in the back of his colleagues.

I soon realized that the man was suffering both mentally defisiensi,
and the man with blue eyes is a "helper" it. I feel very
concerned after knowing that the queue is now only
I live with them, and we tiba2 only person to have in
front counter.

When the young woman at the counter to ask what I want
my message, I'm inviting both men to this book first.
Blue-eyed men immediately order the "Coffee, one cup Nona."
Coin from the fact that it is collected only able to be purchased by
they (have to be rules in restaurants here, if you want to sit in
in the restaurant and warm body, so people should buy
something). And it seems both these people only want to incite

Tiba2 I just attacked by a sense of compassion that I had
glued some time, while my eyes follow the steps they
find a place to sit far apart from other tamu2, which
almost all of them are ..
At the same time, I realize that when it all
in the eyes of the restaurant are also intended to myself, and would also
see all the 'action' I am.

My new tersadar after officials at the counter to greet me
a third time to ask what I want the message. I smile
and requested the two packages provided breakfast (outside of my order) in the
separate trays.

After paying all the orders, I requested help other officers
that is counter to deliver the trays to my order
table / seat my husband and children. Meanwhile, I bring
trays other running corner circling to the table that have been selected
the second man to rest. I put the tray containing food
the above thoughts, and put my hand on the back of the
bemata cold hands of men in blue that, while I say "this food
I have a message for you both. "

Back blue eyes that stare in the direction I now begin the eye
berkaca2 wet and he was only able to say "Thank you very much,
ma'am. "I try to keep my composure, while strike
shoulder I said, "Surely not that I do this
for you, God is also around here and have whisper
something to my ear to deliver food to you. "

I heard the speech, the Blue Eyes should be no power of arrest and
Crusaders while the second man sob. At that time, I want to
merengkuh the second man.

I can not weep when I keep running
leave them and join with my husband and children,
not far from where they sit. When I sat my husband
I tried to mollify housekeeper with a smile and said,
"Now I know why God send yourself a
istriku, that, to 'calm' for myself and
anak2ku! "

We hold hands each other some time and then we benar2
grateful and realize that just because 'bisikanNYA' is our
has been able to utilize the 'opportunity' to be able to do something
for others who are in need.

When we eat food is, starting from the delegates who will
leave the restaurant and was followed by several other delegates, they
one by one approached our table, just want to 'shake
hands' with us. One of them, a father,
memegangi my hands, and say "end, this has been
to provide the expensive lesson for all of us who are here,
if given a chance when I will, I will do
as you contohkan was to us. "

I can only say "thank you" smile. Before
leave the restaurant I go to see sempatkan toward
the second man, and there seems to 'magnit' that connects bathin
we, they turn directly toward us with a smile, and
melambai2kan hands toward us. In my journey home
ponder again what I have to do the second person
homeless overnight, it benar2 'action' that never
by me.

Experience shows that day to how I 'love'
God is very warm and beautiful!

I go back to college, on the last day course with the 'story' is
in my hands. I submit a 'paper' I have to my lecturers. And
the next day, before I start the course called lecturers
to the front of my class, he saw to me and said, "Can I
ceritamu distribute this to others? "I'm happy with the

When will he start the course ask for the attention of the class
I read the paper. He began to read, the siswapun
listen carefully to the stories of the lecturers, and lecture room
to be deserted. With the way and style of the lecturers in
, telling the story, students present in the room
course that seems to follow indeed to see how the event
progress, so that the students who sit in the back row in the
I close them come in to hug me
harunya feelings.

At the end of reading the paper, the lecturer deliberately close
with the story, the one sentence that I write at the end
my paper.
"Tersenyumlah with the 'heart', and you will know
how 'terrible' impact caused by the green. "

With their own way, God has' use 'to myself
touch people in the McDonald's, my husband, son,
guruku, and each student who attended the lecture last night in
I as a freshman. I graduated with 1 lesson largest
that I never get anywhere on the course, namely:

Many stories about love that can be written for diresapi
by the readers, but for anyone who had read
and that sure the story is expected to take lessons
how loving other, BY USING
SEDIKIT property's, and not MENCINTAI

If you think that this story has touched your heart,
continue to this story orang2 nearest you. Here are 'angels'
that will accompany you, so at least people who read
This story will be the heart to do something
(not) for a fellow who is need help

Wise people say: Many people who come and go from
life, but only 'a wise friend' who will
leave the Network in hearts.

To interact with yourself, use nalarmu. But for
interact with others, use the cafe! Who
lose money, will lose a lot, people who lose
friends, will lose more! But people who lose
confidence, will lose everything! God will ensure
to give each animal food for them, but
He does not throw food into their lair,
animals that remain tend to be able to get it.

Young people are 'beautiful' is a work of nature,
but those parents' beautiful 'is a work of art.
Learn from their experience, because you do not
can live long enough to be able to get all of that
from the experience of yourself


As-Salāmu'Alaykum (السلام عليكم).

May Allah be your Defender and Favorer. Aameen

Dear sisters &brothers
May Allah (Sbt) Bless you all with more taqwa and iman. Ameen

Forget the buy 1 get 1 free offers. Here is an unbelievable offer - for a limited time - only for the month of Shawwal!
Perform only 6 fasts and get the reward for fasting each and every day for the rest of the Islamic year for FREE !!!
What an offer! What a favour! How easy can it get?? And which of the favours of Allah (Swt) will we deny?
So, lets hurry and grab this "limited time offer". 15 or 16 days left! Those that snooze, will lose.

Ikhlaas is to forget the vision of creation by constantly looking at the Creator.


Final Analysis

Kamis, Oktober 16, 2008

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;

FORGIVE them anyway

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

BE KIND anyway

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true friends;

SUCCEED anyway

If you are honest, people may cheat you;

BE HONEST anyway

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;

BUILD anyway

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;

BE HAPPY anyway

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;

DO GOOD anyway

Give the world your best anyway

You see, in the final analysis, it is between YOU and GOD;

It was never between you and them anyway